Valeo ist ein globales Technologieunternehmen, das innovative Lsungen entwickelt, um die Mobilitt neu zu erfinden. Wir sind ein Partner von Automobilherstellern und Akteuren der neuen Mobilitt weltweit. Unsere Vision Eine grnere und sicherere Mobilitt zu erfinden, dank Lsungen, die sich auf intuitives Fahren und die Reduzierung von CO2-Emissionen konzentrieren. Wir sind fhrend in unseren Geschftsbereichen und werden als eines der weltweit grten innovativen Unternehmen anerkannt.
Assist/Support department on a daily basis.
- Generate process and procedure documents for critical supply chain functions.
- Assist the Supply Chain team with reporting of departmental objectives.
- Perform data collection, spreadsheet creation, and data analysis.
- Assist business planning team with various forecasting and analysis as needed
Logistics Trainee/Apprentice/VIE
Supply Chain CIM
Employee Status:
Werkstudent/Werkstudentin (Befristet) (Trainee)
Job Type:
Trainee / Internship
Job Posting Date:
Join Us !
Being part of our team, you will join:
- one of the largest global innovative companies, with more than 20,000 engineers working in Research & Development
- a multi-cultural environment that values diversity and international collaboration
- more than 100,000 colleagues in 31 countries... which make a lot of opportunity for career growth
- a business highly committed to limiting the environmental impact if its activities and ranked by Corporate Knights as the number one company in the automotive sector in terms of sustainable development
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