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Top 40 project manager interview questions and answers


When you’re seeking a career as a project manager with a reputable company, you have to prepare before the interview. If you believe that answering just a few questions would help you land your dream job at your dream business, you are incorrect. The business world is cutthroat and brimming with ability. Project management is recognized by senior executives, including HR managers, as it is critical to corporate success. They recognize that qualified project managers are among their most important assets. Taking a bet in this situation would be foolish. As a result, you should review every one of the Project Manager Interview Questions listed below and plan better.

Here are some questions and answers for a project manager’s role

Situational based interview questions for a project manager:

Q-1: In the post-COVID-19 environment, working from home is becoming the new normal. How well equipped are you to lead a diverse workforce?

Ans – In today’s environment, project managers are required to manage performance remotely and typically pick their teams from a worldwide workforce. You should have the knowledge and abilities necessary to collaborate with team members online. It necessitates a new approach to management. The project management approach you may use to handle resources in a remote setting should be clearly described in your response to this project manager interview question.

Q-2: Explain to us the most difficult tasks you’ve worked on this far. What actions did you take to address the difficulties?

Ans – The interview panel is looking for examples of how you cope with key issues and contradictory circumstances in a project. It would be ideal if you avoided mentioning situations when you had to deal with difficult members of the team or a lack of technical assistance. As a project manager, you should be prepared to deal with such situations. Rather, concentrate on external reasons such as a project that was abruptly canceled or money that was cut in the middle of a large endeavor. It would help if you also described how you dealt with the obstacles and guided the team through difficult times. 

Also Read: These are the skills you need to be an IT Project Manager

Q-3: As per your expertise, what would be the most desired talent for becoming a successful project manager? Please provide us with a few instances of your previous projects.

Ans – If you’ve worked in project management before, you’re undoubtedly aware that no one talent is sufficient for a successful career in the industry. To be a great project manager, you’ll need a diverse range of talents, including leadership, negotiation, collaboration, and time management, to mention only a few. To respond quickly to this question, you must be able to explain why you picked a certain talent. You can prove your answer with a couple of instances.

Q-4: Which of your previous ventures featured one of your worst blunders? What effect has it had on your stream of work?

Ans – They believe it’s human to make mistakes. Your abilities are defined by how you handle mistakes. The interviewer is attempting to determine your sincerity and if you accept responsibility for mistakes made in previous projects by addressing this project manager interview question. Rather than responding with a resounding “no,” you may point out a few flaws. As a method to demonstrate your maturity, please ensure you indicate that you accept responsibility for the error. You can, however, describe how you solved the problem.

Q-5: Assume the project has gotten out of hand. How would you go about getting back on the right track? 

Ans – When you discover a project isn’t progressing according to schedule, budget, design, or goals, the next step is to bring it back on track. The project manager should be capable of taking the required actions to correct the disparity between actual and planned progress. Trying to adjust resource management, determining the true cause of off-tracking, investing in more effort, and other options may be included in your response to this project management interview question.

Q-6: Can you please provide an example of a project that didn’t work out? Have you experienced any similar encounters? 

Ans – As a project manager, you will experience both success and failure. It’s also not a good idea to say no to this query. Instead, consider a time or phase in your past endeavors where you failed. This project manager interview question is also meant to test your risk management ability. You must describe how you dealt with the problem.

Q-7: Assume the customer is dissatisfied with the project’s outcome quality. What are your plans for dealing with the situation? How do you deal with a disgruntled stakeholder? 

Ans – When clients are dissatisfied with project outcomes, you will be held accountable as a project manager. You must be able to demonstrate how much you appreciate customers and how you’d embrace their authority without becoming critical when answering this project management interview question. 

Q-8: What is your method for resolving team member internal issues?

Ans – The interviewer is attempting to figure out how good of a mediator you are and how unbiased you are when it comes to settling disagreements. You can describe why it’s important to listen to all sides and comprehend both points of view. Your response should explain how you persuaded both sides to reach an agreement that is optimal for the project at hand and results in a win-win outcome.

Q-9: Can you tell me about a moment when you made a difficult decision that reflected badly?

Ans – This is a difficult question for candidates to answer since it reveals how truthful you are to yourself and forces you to discuss a time when you failed. Your interviewer wants and sees how you deal with setbacks since they will come no matter how successful you are at your work. They’re more interested in learning what you’ve learned from these encounters. Describe how you used those obstacles to develop as a project manager generally when you provide your instances.

Theoretical interview questions for a project manager

Q-10: In a project management plan, explain the processes and knowledge areas. 

Also Read: How to Effectively Manage Projects End-to-End – Advice for Project Managers

Ans – The purpose of this project manager interview question is to assess your subject expertise. Processes related to the specified manner of carrying out tasks effectively complete a project in a project management framework. On the other hand, process groups are a set of processes that are carried out around different phases of the project. 

Q-11: Can you clarify the distinction between risk as well as an issue? Also, list a few different sorts of hazards you could face during a project.

Ans – Risks are a hypothetical future occurrence or condition that might have a detrimental or positive influence on the project’s objectives. Issues refer to any current occurrence or condition that influences the project’s goals. In other words, the danger is concerned with future events, whereas issues are concerned with current events. Issues are frequently viewed as negative, such as when a team member abruptly resigns from the organization. 

Q-12: Demonstrate how RAID works in project management.

Ans – RAID, as you may know, is an essential tool for any project manager. Risks, Actions, Issues, and Decisions are the acronyms for Risks, Actions, Issues, and Decisions. To put it another way, RAID is a project management tool that allows project managers to keep track of risks, actions, issues, & decisions in an orderly manner. You should also mention the definitions of these four topics in your project management interview response.

Q-13: What methods do you have for defining the scope of a project?

Ans – The interview panel is attempting to ascertain your expertise on the relevant subject with this question. Product Analysis, Feasibility Study, Information Systems, System Development, Process Improvement, Value Analysis, and Alternatives Analysis are some of the ideas involved in determining the project scope. 

Q-14: Define the project management team formation method you use.

Ans – A project manager should be familiar with the many stages that a team plays during the project; as a result, this is one of the most often asked topics in project management interviews and examinations.  When answering this project manager interview question, make sure to discuss each of these processes in detail.

Q-15: What are the three most pressing issues confronting our production industry, and how can they be effectively addressed?

Ans – This topic will put your project management expertise to the test. You should not only outline three pertinent issues but also viable solutions. Challenges you’ve faced personally, as well as effective solutions you’ve implemented, are good examples. Consider the most pressing issues facing the industry in which the company works. Your answer will indicate how well you know the industry, the market, the present issues, and potential solutions. This information is essential for any project manager’s success since you will be dealing with these issues inside the business if you are employed.

Q-16: What are the knowledge areas that are important when working on a project?

Ans – The knowledge domains of scope management, punctuality, and cost management are self-evident. The same may be said for quality control. The project integration knowledge area must be understood to execute a project in all areas. Communication is crucial, as is the expertise of effective communication. Two critical support areas are procurement and risk management. Human resources management is equally essential because people get things done.

Q-17: What is the procedure for creating a team?

Ans – There is a period of upheaval once the participants have been gathered as a development team before anything calms down. The forming-storming-norming-performing process is what it’s called. Before settling into their roles, the team members go through a storm of relationships. The norming phase is when people become accustomed to the relationship’s structure as a result. The team does not begin to perform until everyone has adjusted to their new positions. 

Q-18: Why would you need to understand more about stakeholders, or how will you find them?

Ans – Stakeholder identification begins at the outset of a project. You should be aware of them since they are critical to the project’s success. The explanation is simple: initiatives are undertaken to achieve their goals and expectations.

Q-19: What do you consider to be an excellent project? 

Ans – One of the most essential project manager interview questions, this one aims to learn about the kind of projects you’d want to work on. By honestly making this statement, you open the door to managing initiatives that interest you or in which you thrive. Your response should include a variety of topics, like if you choose to work in a group or alone, what sort of deadlines you want, whether you are interested in new and unique projects, and so forth.

Interview questions on communication skills for a Project Manager

Q-20: On your most recent project, what were the communication issues?

Ans – As a project manager, you must successfully communicate with your team on all initiatives. Nobody anticipates that communication issues will develop. On the other hand, the interviewer is looking for examples of how you’ve dealt with similar difficulties in the past. It must be clear that you were able to operate successfully with your team despite communication problems. For instance, suppose instead of having face-to-face meetings when they were required, you could arrange web chat sessions. Consider a time when something similar occurred and how you handled the communication issues to ensure that the project’s result was still positive. 

Q-21: How do you communicate with your coworkers?

Ans – If the interviewer questions, you should reassure them that you are a strong communicator who inspires others on your team. When assigning tasks to their team, excellent project managers should be supportive as well as explicit in their expectations. Make it clear that you recognize the importance of being an excellent communicator in your role as a project manager. 

Q-22: How do you deliver terrible news?

Ans – As a project manager, you’ve probably had to give terrible news in the past because your interviewer wishes to see how you handle it. They would like to see that you’re respectful and open with everyone, that you’ve gathered all of the information first, and that you’ve considered how this news will affect everyone on the team, not just the individual to whom you’re breaking the terrible news. 

Q-23: How have you dealt with unhappy workers in the past?

Ans – While it is unlikely that you will be able to satisfy every dissatisfied employee, the interviewer wants to see that you will attempt to resolve the problem and remain professional throughout. 

Leadership Interview questions for a project manager

Q-24: What are some instances of occasions when you’ve kept your word, even though it was difficult? 

Ans – Even if you have a load on yourself, interviewers want to hear concrete examples of how you were able to accommodate extra requests despite your busy schedule. 

Also Read: Project Manager Resume Sample and Writing Guide

Q-25: How would you and your team make sure you meet or exceed customer requirements?

Ans – The ultimate aim is to fulfill (or exceed) client expectations in terms of project delivery. It’s critical not to be ambiguous or offer a broad answer; instead, provide specific instances and specifics about your approach.

Q-26: What is your methodology for positive reinforcements?

Ans – Prioritization is a crucial idea that affects the quality of the project and successful completion, irrespective of company size and complexity. If your interviewer asks about prioritizing, you should explain how you discern between urgency and significance in your response. You can explain how you decide what is important and what isn’t. A project manager interview question is also intended to assess your ability to be flexible and adaptive when leading a project. Your response should demonstrate that you can say no when necessary during the endeavor.

Q-27: What are some of the best customer-relationship-building techniques you’ve used?

Ans – Current clients are the most likely to become repeat customers. Therefore it’s critical to build great connections with them beyond maintaining what they paid for.

Q-28: How do you go about controlling your organization’s progress?

Ans – When answering this question, it’s critical to demonstrate that you’re a leader. When it comes to controlling your team’s performance, be comprehensive with your daily task. For instance, perhaps you conduct weekly planning talks and meetings.

Q-29: How do you keep your team members motivated?

Ans – Mostly as a manager, it’s critical to not only keep your team on track but also to keep them excited about the tasks they’re working on.

Q-30: What tools and resources have you utilized to help your team develop?

Ans – This is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of some of the many technologies used by project managers these days. Make a list of any software, internet tools, or other items you’ve utilized to perform your everyday chores. Also, make it clear that you are constantly eager to learn new tools or applications.

Q-31: What is your approach to delegation?

Ans – This is a query aimed at eliciting information about your leadership abilities. Explain whatever has fit brilliantly for you in the past and provide instances of how your delegation approach has worked effectively.

Q-32: How easy is it for you to delegate authority?

Ans – Any project manager must be able to delegate responsibilities with ease. Make sure to bring up a relevant example that demonstrates to the interviewer that you are comfortable distributing responsibilities.

Q-33: How do you keep track of and review the tasks that have been allocated to you?

Ans – As a project manager, it’s critical to remain on top of your team’s duties and obligations regularly. Discuss concrete instances of how you accomplish this, such as arranging quick meetings, utilizing project management tools, and so forth.

Q-34: What are your career and project objectives?

Ans – If you’ve any brief project goals, be honest about them since this tells the interviewer that you care about your work and thus are the main objective. This is one of the most frequently asked project manager interview questions as it tells the interviewer about your career goals.

Q-35: What methods do you use to create objectives for your team? And how do you keep track of these objectives?

Ans – Setting objectives, whether deadline goals and overall project goals, seems to be an essential aspect of project management since it encourages team members and keeps projects on track. Make sure to offer concrete instances of how you’ve established objectives for your team over the years and how you’ve kept track of them. 

Q-36: Identify two areas in your present project where there is a significant amount of uncertainty. How do you deal with these ambiguities?

Ans – Nobody expects a project to go off without a hitch. What the interviewer is looking for is how you manage any situation that might lead to a setback. A good project manager will have a few good pieces on his or her sleeve at all times. 

Q-37: How do you keep track of project changes?

Ans – Change is unavoidable, but as a project manager, it’s critical to react swiftly to such changes. Explain to the interviewer how you stay on track with your team when project modifications arise. 

Q-38: How do you keep your project on track at all times? 

Ans – The interviewer wants to learn about your work process and observe how meticulous you are. Describe how you keep in touch with your team throughout a project. You may say, for instance, that frequent communication is critical to keeping a project on track. 

Q-39: What tools are you using as a manager to organize your own and your team’s activities?

Ans – Project managers utilize a variety of tools and methods to keep organized, ranging from meetings to project management systems and everything in between. To illustrate your understanding of project management tools and other applications, make a list of as many tools as you can think of.

Q-40: Give some examples of consideration of the concept in your previous projects and your everyday life.

Ans – As a project manager, it’s critical to take the first step, and your interviewer wishes to see how you do it. Consider particular project examples that require a lot of consideration of the concept, but don’t be hesitant to add non-workplace instances as well. A project manager must be able to recognize and avoid difficulties from negatively influencing the project. It is critical that the applicant exhibit the capacity to take the initiative, avoid procrastination, and make difficult judgments.


The questions mentioned above will most likely prepare you for any project management interview you may encounter when applying for the role. Practicing these questions and using your unique expertise can help you get closer to the job you want.

More Resources : Part time job openings in Patna | Part time job openings in Jaipur | IAS Interview questions | SSB Interview questions

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