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Top 10 Sales Interview Question and How to Answer Them

Top 10 Sales Interview Question and How to Answer Them

If you are looking for a sales job, these are some of the common sales interview questions that you can expect in a sales interview. While you may use your experience and learnings to answer the questions asked in an interview, we have provided some cues on how to best frame your responses.

Here are top 10 sales interview questions and how you can best answer them:

Q 1. How would you like to describe yourself?

How to answer: The best way to answer this question is to focus on your core which comes from who you are and why you are suitable for this position. This question is asked to check a candidate’s ability to manage and deliver the personal and professional information. So, to answer this question in a right way you should be crisp, concise and clear to make it interesting and passionate.

You may like to read this: Tell me about yourself – the winning answer

Q 2. Tell us about your professional experience?

How to answer: This question can make or break the interview for you. Your career retrospect highlights your capabilities and aptitude. So, here you need to keep your answer simple and realistic. Explain your professional experience and how you contributed in the growth of your organization. It is best to back your contribution by numbers and if possible, you may quote a situation wherein you turned a big no of a client to yes or achieved your targets consistently.

Q 3. Arrange these words in sequence as they value in your professional life “Position, Recognition, Authority and Money” and explain why?

How to answer: This question may bring out your personality on table in front of the recruiter. Such questions have no right or wrong way to answer. The major judgement that comes from such questions is about your life priorities and clarity of thoughts. So, remember the moment you start to answer such questions you should have a proper reason to back your answer and should be able to satisfy recruiter for choosing a sequence.

Q 4. What steps will you take to generate leads, develop relations and close sales with a client?

How to answer: Such questions are asked to check your basic knowledge about sales. To answer such questions, you should always remember that the basic sales concepts remains same irrespective of industry. The recruiter wants to play with your basic knowledge and wants to understand that how efficiently you are attached to the roots of sales. Keeping this in mind, here you need to be clear, specific as well as creative to answer this question right.

Q 5. What work environment do you prefer and why?

How to answer: Such questions are asked by the recruiter to understand your cultural fitment in the company. So, before you go for any interview, you must research a bit about the company culture, so that you may answer this right.

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Q 6. What are the three top attributes you have that helps you build a rapport with your prospects?

How to answer: This question is asked by a recruiter to judge your social and professional self with your prospects. To answer this question, one must keep in mind the real time tactics and execution you must show that you are thoughtful and prefer to be at your best while handling a client.

Q 7. What initiatives would you like to take when sales are down?

How to answer: Such questions are asked to know your on-ground depth in sales. If not handled properly, this question may affect your chances of getting through the interview. These questions demand that you look back at how you increased sales or bounced back from difficult situation. There is no right or wrong answer for such a question but you have to be logical and creative at the same time.

Q 8. Sell me this product?

How to answer: This is a practical question to judge your selling skills. You should expect this in almost every sales interview. You have to be conscious here, about the customers needs. So, don’t go on and on by telling customer about the features rather ask the customer his or her needs and then attempt to close the sale. This will help you to make a better sale and form a permanent rapport with the customer.

Q 9. What color describes you the best and why?

How to answer: These questions are asked by the recruiter to understand a candidate’s personality and what kind of motivation will work for him. To answer such question, one must take a small pause and answer with an appropriate reason. For example, you may say red describes me the best as it symbolizes boldness etc.

Q 10. Do you want to ask any question from me?

How to answer: This question is to judge the confidence of the candidate and know how well he or she knows about the organization. So, you must ask relevant questions to your job profile to get a better understanding of your role.

You may like to read this: 6 Questions to Ask at the End of Your Job Interview

You may also prepare for the following sales interview questions to better your chances of succeeding in an interview:

  • How would you handle customer objections?
  • What excites you most about sales?
  • Are you comfortable making cold calls?
  • How long should you pursue client?
  • When do you stop pursuing a client?
  • What motivates you?

All the best!

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