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Home > Work Life BalanceImprove your Productivity with These 5 Yoga Poses

Improve your Productivity with These 5 Yoga Poses

If you want to improve your productivity at work or looking to better your overall wellbeing, yoga could be an ideal option. It’s an ancient science of keeping your mind, body and soul in complete harmony.

It’s proved that practising yoga on a regular basis keeps your mind and body healthy. It reduces stress, improves focus, and have long term positive effects on your wellbeing.

Here we have curated yoga posses that are believed to improve productivity if practised regularly.

1. Beats stress with Utkatasana, Ardha Chandrasena, Salabhasana


According to reports close to half of the corporate employees sleep less than six hours a day and blame it on high stress levels. Mental and emotional stress are top factors that can affect employee health and productivity; they can also aggravate ailments and conditions, be it colds and allergies or diabetes and heart disease. A few yoga exercises practiced daily can help regulate breathing and relax the body by gently releasing tension.

2. Improves concentration and focus with Sarvangasana, Ustrasana, Virabhadrasana II


A workplace is synonymous with long meetings and stressful deadlines – though not always. Taking time out to meditate or for deep-breathing exercises can help you consciously quiet your mind whenever you feel overwhelmed. It regulates the oxygen flow in your blood, thus making you more alert and aware which in turn helps you concentrate on tasks and make better decisions.

3. Try Trikonasana, Purvottanasana, Vajrasana to deal with physical ailments


A desk job is synonymous with a sedentary lifestyle and health issues if you are not physically active. Constantly staring at a computer screen and pounding away at the keyboard can affect your eyes and may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. Result? Drop in productivity. Keep physical problems such as headaches, neck pains, shoulder stiffness and arthritis at bay by practising yoga regularly.

4. Boosts your immune system Shishusana, Setu Bandhasana, Halasana, Bhujangasana


Antibiotics and medicines help tackle the symptoms of an ailment but yoga gets to the root of the problem and strengthens your immune system. This means lesser sick days and much more fun at work over the year!

5. Reduce fatigue and increase energy with Vinyasa, Eka Pada Rajakapotanasana

Eka Pada Rajakapotanasana

Working non-stop leads to stress and fatigue. You may not feel it but it builds up over the work day and week. Standing up, stretching or practising mindful meditation every couple of hours helps increase blood circulation. This translates into lesser fatigue and higher levels of energy.

Taking just 10 minutes off work every day for yoga can help you be more relaxed, healthy and focused.

Apart from the poses mentioned above, try Surya Namaskar, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Prasarita Padottanasana, Crescent Lunge and the Tree Pose to boost your productivity.

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