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HCL Interview Questions for Technical Rounds

The recruitment process is a sequence of logical steps taken by the recruiter; at the end, it is hoped that the company/organization would select the candidate who answers most of the testing interview questions satisfactorily. There will be Angular interview questions along with questions about what should ideally be the skill-set of an HCL Java Developer.


Before any candidate can face any HCL interview questions, they will need to satisfy some essential criteria.

  • The candidate should have at least 60% in his studies throughout their academic career. That is X, XII, Graduation, and Post-Graduation
  • The applicant should have excellent knowledge of C, C++, and JAVA, which will help in Angular interviews.
  • Engineers graduating in 2018 can apply
  • The candidate is not allowed an education gap of more than one year.

Companies usually structure their recruitment process in a way as to test their candidate thoroughly, read, by every conceivable angle.

A company will execute any recruitment process sequentially. Therefore, there are two ways to test a candidate for a company like HCL. General testing and Technical testing.

HCL Interview Questions – Technical Testing

Nowadays, companies test the candidate’s technical ability first and then continue with the general testing interview questions, as technical proficiency is vital.  HCL follows the same pattern to test their candidates.

A Technical interview is the meat of the recruitment process and gives the companies a handle on the candidate’s capability. Since HCL will be interested in the candidate’s ability to grasp technical issues, the company can query the candidate about languages and systems.  HCL will expect you to know –

One has to prepare well for this part. There will always be specific standard questions that are asked to an HCL Java Developer candidate. These can be thoroughly revised. A programmer who has worked on the particular software will probably be more familiar with them than a fresh candidate.

Here the ability of the candidate to be stay alert is vital. However, this alertness does not mean that they should answer immediately. The proper technique is to let the question sink in, and only when one is confident of what is being asked should one reply. Take your time, and above all, if some part of the question is not understood, ask for clarification.

Understanding any question is vital, as any haste in answering without correctly understanding it will create a wrong impression, from which it won’t be easy to extricate oneself.

Specific questions are standard in HCL. Many companies ask some typical questions partly to test the candidate and somewhat to put the candidate at ease. Since they are common questions, candidates are expected to be prepared to answer them.

These questions are designed to boost the candidates’ confidence and prepare them to face the more difficult questions later in the interview. 

Some of the standard Angular interview questions are –

  • State the basic concepts of OOPS
  • How will you explain Polymorphism?
  • What is a servlet?

One will not do justice to the subject  if one does not mention the technical test and interview that a candidate faces. The applicant will have to prepare themselves for a technical discussion on broad topics like Networking and Operating Systems. There will also be other areas like languages, RDBMS systems, etc.

Candidates, fresh or experienced, should be aware of what to expect in the technical interview. The two most common topics that are covered by HCL testing interview questions are Networking and Operating Systems.

Questions on Networking

Some of the HCL interview questions on Networking –

  • What is beaconing?
  • What is an IP address?
  • What are the different types of IPs?
  • Difference between Static and Dynamic IPs addressing
  • What is Optimal Path Selection for a router?
  • What is RAS (Remote Access Service)? Mention the network protocols that Windows supports

Fresh candidates are not asked complex questions. However, experienced professionals can be asked anything. Therefore, they should be prepared to answer fundamental and complex questions.

 A few HCL interview questions for experienced professionals will need to be mentioned here.

  • Name user support layers.
  • Explain synchronous and asynchronous transmission
  • What are FMEA and its methodology?
  • How do data-link protocols work?
  • Explain the 5-4-3 rule and the architecture it is utilized.

The above questions are found to be the most common HCL interview questions on Networking. But an experienced professional should be ready to answer any question on the subject.

Questions on Operating System

  • Explain the importance of an Operating System
  • What are the types of operating systems? Explain them.
  • State the advantages of a multiprocessor system
  • Differentiate preemptive and non-preemptive scheduling
  • What is RTOS? Explain

Experienced candidates can expect the following HCL interview questions, among others.

  • What is a process in an Operating system? Explain the sections of a process
  • How does one differentiate between a thread and a Process?
  • Explain OS and Kernel
  • How does one implement a network-transparent system?
  • Differentiate between micro and monolithic kernel

The above questions are the most common. It is advised that the candidate take their time to prepare as this is the most critical part of the recruitment process. Whether or not one gets a job will be decided on how one fares in the technical interview. Of course, the written test is also important, but during a technical discussion, the candidate has a better chance to show their knowledge as it is face to face.

HCL Interview Questions – General Testing

Once the candidates prove their technical ability, the company then tests them to see if they fit their existing environment. In addition, the company likes to know if the newcomer will adapt its work culture.

The applicant should not make the mistake of taking the general interview for granted. Many times, candidates tend to relax after their technical interviews or tests. The company now knows you have answered the Angular interview questions correctly. They do not understand how you are as a person. Are you a good fit? Do you have any annoying idiosyncrasies? Will the applicant be an asset or a liability to the company in the long run?

Often, companies have found out that even if the recruit is technically excellent, there is no guarantee they will gel with the existing team.  Moreover, technical knowledge will be of little use if the newcomer causes friction in the group.

We can consider some questions generally asked by an HR person. These also happen to be HCL interview questions asked during their recruitment.

Some in-depth questions

  • Tell us about yourself.
  • Can you work under pressure?
  • Why are you changing jobs?
  • What made you apply to this company?
  • What do you expect to achieve in five years?
  • The above are HCL interview questions, but they are general testing interview questions Therefore, one needs to answer these as truthfully as possible. An experienced HR person will look for inconsistencies by cross-questioning the candidate.
  • Referring to the above testing interview questions, do not praise yourself too much. If you dwell too much on your achievements, it could make the interviewer suspicious. On the other hand, it is safe to be understated. Just convey to your interviewer that you are good at your work and acknowledged by your colleagues and peers.
  • As for handling pressure, the candidate has to be realistic and state facts. Yes, there have been pressure situations in the earlier job, and I tackled them by working smartly. Also, mention how a problematic situation helped you to think out of the box. The candidate should praise their colleagues and bosses for their cooperation and contribution during the pressure situation.
  • To answer any HCL interview questions regarding the company, the candidate will have to learn about the company. To the question, ‘why are you applying to HCL?’ one will have to be very specific. If the company undertakes particular projects, then those projects will have to be mentioned. The candidate should mention the type of projects the company undertakes. Mention the reputation of the company. One should show that they are a potential HCL Java Developer.
  • One of the most common questions asked is about the candidates’ future. Here, one does not have to chalk out a plan but must have enough conviction to convince the interviewer that the candidate has given some thought to the future. It would also help to mention how the current job being applied for will help the candidate in his career.

The interviewer could phrase the question differently.  For example, the question ‘Why are you changing jobs?’ could be rephrased as ‘Did you have trouble in your earlier job?’ or ‘were you not satisfied in your last job?’

It is best to be truthful lest you forget to mention some crucial point that crops up inadvertently later.

If you are confused by HCL interview questions, ask for clarification. Competition is fierce, and one cannot afford to leave anything to chance.

Let us see how companies test candidates. Companies follow a methodology, and if one is alert enough, one can quickly clear the general interview. Here the secret is to be yourself. If you are pretentious, you could get into trouble and be rejected outright.

HR managers are astute people. They have to be. Their job is to sift the chaff from the grain, and they do this for hundreds of candidates, especially in a company like HCL. HCL interview questions are designed to weed out those who are pretentious. So be yourself. It is easy.

The questions you are asked are designed to elicit specific responses from the applicant. Therefore, the applicant will be judged on their replies.

  • Simple introductory questions – These are meant to set the tone and put the candidate at ease.
  • Situational questions – are meant to test the practicality of the candidate.
  • Tricky question – to judge the presence of mind. Logical thinking
  • Behavioral questions – to see if the candidate is emotional or given to moods
  • There are some basic HCL interview questions regarding family, other activities, background, etc.

Guidelines to answer HCL interview questions

As it is known in some companies, the HR or general interview is designed to look for certain qualities/abilities in the candidate.

  • Mental ability (essential intelligence)
  • Values
  • Personality
  • Ambitions
  • Goals

Companies like HCL will steer clear of any candidate who has extreme views. They like to recruit people who tread the middle ground. All candidates will do well to remember that HCL interview questions reward those who are honest.

The HCL interview questions will test the applicant for the following qualities.


  • Weakness

Among often-asked questions is the one about identifying one’s weakness. Here also, one can balance the reply. Everybody has flaws, and the interviewer wants you to admit them. Here, many candidates fall into the trap of stating they do not think they have any weaknesses as many are embarrassed. However, one will do well to state a couple of deficiencies.

  • Motivation

The question about motivation also requires similar treatment. Many here will be tempted to be truthful and mention money. However, this will be a folly. Everybody who works for any company is there for the money. That is a given. Saying it would not be such a good idea, though.

You can mention the learning experience. However, if you are pointedly asked about money, say that you value experience and knowledge more than money as these are the qualities that should ultimately help you earn money anyway.


  • Lying for the company

Here you are tested for your loyalty (to the company) and your moral values.

This morality test is one of the trickiest HCL Interview questions. The reply can be that one cannot lie and would prefer to manage the situation. One would lie only if it is necessary for the benefit of the company and the employees. Let your honesty be evident here. If one is honest, it shows.

  • Questions about lottery

The lottery question is from the school exams. But in an interview requires to be handled differently. Here, you have to reply positively. For example, do not say you will leave your job and dedicate your life to charity. Instead, say, you will keep on working as that is what will give you satisfaction.


  • Multitasking

You can give an example not necessarily related to your work. A personal life example will also do. It will have to be a situation you handled by juggling different tasks at the same time.

  • Stress management

Here, you will also have to talk about managing a stressful situation by keeping calm and prioritizing your tasks.

Though we are talking of HCL interview questions here, a mention of other tests which the candidates have to go through will not be out of place. After all, any candidate will aim to clear all hurdles and be offered a job by the company.

  • Aptitude

The Aptitude Test is also a part of the recruitment process. These may not form part of the HCL interview questions but have a bearing on the whole process. For example, candidates will face their interview more confidently if they know that they have done well in the previous tests.

We can make a passing mention of questions as these are asked in a written test and not in an interview.  But an interviewer might touch upon a minor issue or topic during the interview to test the candidates’ presence of mind.

  • Quantitative Ability

The candidate will be expected to answer basic calculations like Profit and Loss, Time, Speed distance equations, Percentage, Average, etc.

  • Reasoning

Here the question would test ones’ reasoning, logical thought process, and relationships.

  • Understanding of English

HCL interview questions will test your command of the language. Sentence errors, Synonyms, and Antonyms, Comprehension, use of nouns and verbs, etc.

How do you get hired?

Answering testing interview questions is vital for any candidate to get hired, but there are certain other aspects that the interviewee has to keep in mind when they face a recruiter.

Recruitment happens in three ways.

  1. College Placements
  2. Walk-in Interviews (announced by the company)
  3. Application by the candidate

If you belong to the first category, the interviewer will not have great expectations. The candidate has no experience, and the technical expertise which the company requires is yet to develop. So, the HCL interview questions will be relatively easy and more predictable.

Walk-in interviews and applications are where the tests and interviews get serious. An experienced candidate will be asked different questions than what a fresh candidate will have to face. Here the candidate will meet the real HCL interview questions.

Preparing for an Interview

Thorough preparation is essential for any candidate to face an interview. Therefore, the applicant should prepare, keeping in mind what the company expects from them.

Building a strong Resume 

The first thing any recruiter looks at is the Resume of the candidate. The Resume is an opportunity for the candidate to make the first impression and convey the right message.

The applicant must remember that there cannot be any discrepancy between the answers to HCL interview questions and what is stated in the Resume.

  • A strong resume presents the skills and abilities of the candidate with the correct emphasis.
  • Mention your skills, strengths, and abilities about your work
  • Avoid overstatement or self-praise. If you have an award or recognition (not necessarily connected to your work), now is the time to mention it.
  • Avoid long paragraphs; instead, use short sentences and bullet points.
  • Check for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes

Non-Verbal Communication

A candidate going for an interview will need to remember specific rules which will have a bearing on the outcome. These rules are universal and hence apply to HCL as well.

The interviewer will never ask questions on the candidate’s bearing, behavior, appearance, etc. but be assured they will seek standard answers. The answers are given through your actions rather than using words. You are a potential HCL Java Developer, so start looking like one.

The candidate is expected to present himself to the best of their ability.

  • Maintain eye contact throughout the interview, especially while answering questions
  • Take the initiative for the initial handshake, show your eagerness
  • Exude confidence. Answer confidently. Even if you feel a little nervous, do not show it.
  • HCL will expect you to wear a formal dress

Not only will a smartly turned-out candidate be in a better frame of mind, but the feeling is also known to rub off on the interviewer. Also, if you slip up in answering any question, they would be more amenable to gloss over it, though one cannot guarantee this.

Some tips for the fresher and the experienced

  • Listening

Listening is the key to giving a successful interview. The interviewer will often give subtle hints as to what reply they expect to any HCL interview questions. If the candidate is not listening or talking too much, they will miss the clue.

  • Talk less

Keep a professional attitude throughout the interview. Less talk is complementary to the above point. If you talk less, you will be able to listen better.

Your answers have to be to the point. Do not be garrulous. Focus only on what you know. If you find yourself on unfamiliar ground, say you do not see the answer. Pushing on regardless will not help.

  • You can ask questions too.

HCL interview questions also include ones that encourage the candidate to respond. The response is the opportunity one should seize. Here the candidate has a chance to get some inside information about the company. However, one has to be careful to ask only relevant, pertinent questions.

 What to ask?

  • When will the offer be made?
  • Are there any conditions like signing a bond, an agreement or an indemnity bond, etc.?
  • Ask about the responsibilities of the position.
  • What would be the job profile?
  • Ask what challenges one can expect in the position.
  • Is a new position being created or a senior position refilled?
  • What is the work culture in the company?
  • Ask about growth prospects.
  • How much traveling is involved?

Asking questions is recommended for experienced candidates only. They have come through the recruitment process and have hopefully learnt a few things on the way. A fresher will know nothing, so at the most, they can ask about responsibilities that go with the position and thank the interviewer. A fresher is advised to answer HCL interview questions and not take too much initiative.

What not to ask?

  • How many leaves can one take?
  • How many paid holidays does the company give?
  • Does the company pay a bonus according to government rules, and when?
  • Do not mention your problems at the outset. Like you stay far and have a problem traveling to the office every day.

Asking the wrong questions will put the candidate in a bad light. Instead, one should exude positivity throughout the interview session.

Things to keep in mind while getting interviewed

  • Attitude

Even if you are desperate to get the job, your desperation should not show in your behavior. Outwardly it would help if you were composed and calm. Do not assume anything. However, if you get a hint from the interviewer that you are through, do not jump with joy, smile, and show you understand.

Do not answer back or argue a point. One can speak one or two sentences to make yourself clear. If you are the one with better knowledge, that one sentence should suffice.

  • Domain-Specific Knowledge

One cannot stress this enough. Your technical knowledge is why the company wants to hire you. Do not check the company requirements before going to the interview. That is too late. The candidate has to know what the company expects from them even before applying. Study HCL interview questions, both technical and general.

Knowing company expectations will help the candidate prepare well and be more confident when they answer the questions. As regards technical knowledge or ability, avoid any grey areas. Either you know something, or you do not.

  • Communication Skills

Without good communication, the candidate will be hard-pressed to make an impression on the interviewer. Therefore, one should answer all HCL interview questions confidently. There cannot be any ambiguity in stressing a point.

The conviction of the candidate has to be evident in whatever he is communicating to the interviewer. Of course, one should not hesitate to disagree. But here, the candidate has to let the person sitting in front know how they feel about the subject being discussed.  


Answering HCL interview questions can be stressful, especially for a fresher; they will tackle it easily if the candidate is well prepared. A few simple things have to be remembered. These are often repeated, but that is because they can be easily overlooked.

Prepare yourself technically. You may be fresh or experienced; go back to basics if you have to, but do not assume that you will be able to carry the day easily. Prepare as you would prepare for a final exam.

  • Do some initial spadework like going through
  • Learn about the company you are applying to
  • Reach before time
  • Dress smartly
  • Listen well
  • Smile, whenever appropriate

Do not be unnecessarily intimidated by the atmosphere. Relax. Remember, you are going to work in the company every day.

The above instructions may seem repetitive but are necessary. Read them before you leave for the interview venue. You could land up your dream job by just following the steps for the interviews accordingly and confidently answer.

More Resources: HR Interview Questions and answers for Freshers | Python Oops interview questions | DB2 Interview Questions and AnswersTalend Interview Questions and Answers

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