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Home > Interview Questions​8 AngularJS Questions and Answers you should prepare for your next interview

8 AngularJS Questions and Answers you should prepare for your next interview

No matter which job you are interviewing for, chances are that you’re in for a difficult time especially if you’re underprepared. Here are some of the AnuglarJS interview questions and answers that you can go through before your next interview.

1. What is MVC?

MVC or Model View Controller is a common software design pattern used in the development of web applications. An MVC consists of the following three parts:

• Model – Recognised as the lowest level of the pattern, models play an integral role in maintaining data.
• View − part of the application that is responsible for displaying data (all or just a part) to the user.
• Controller − It is a software Code that governs all interactions between the Model and View.

2. What is data binding in AngularJS? How does it relate to the MVC architecture?

Data binding is regarded as one of the most powerful features of AngularJS and is essentially described as the constant synchronisation between the data, model, and view components. What this entails is that whenever there is a change in your view, your model automatically gets updated and vice versa. This is also called as two-way data binding.

3. What are directives? Shed some light on some of the most commonly used directives in AngularJS application?

One of the most critical AngularJS components, directives are JavaScript functions that are used to extend (manipulate and add) HTML and DOM elements’ behaviour. These are special attributes, that start with the ‘ng’ prefix and can be easy or complex to grasp. Some of the commonly used directives are ng-model, ng-App, ng-bind, ng-App, ng-repeat, ng-Init, ng-show, etc.

4. Where can we implement the DOM manipulation in AngularJS?

DOM Manipulations can only get implemented in the directives and should not exist in controllers, services or for that matter, anywhere else.

5. Would you agree that AngularJS is compatible with all the browsers?

Yes. Right from Safari, Chrome, and Firefox to Opera and Internet Explorer, all top browsers are compatible with AngularJS.

6. Touch upon the differences between AngularJS and backbone.js?

AngularJS not only combines the functionalities of the vast majority of the 3rd party libraries but also provides support to specific features which are required to develop HTML5 Apps. On the other hand, Backbone.js is a lightweight web framework that does their jobs individually.

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7. Which directive is used to bootstrap an angular app?

An AngularJS application can be auto-bootstrapped using an ng-app directive. Also, the ng-app directive not only defines the root element of the application but is also typically present in the root element of the page. For instance, on theortags.

8. How do you disable a button depending on a checkbox’s state?

One can make use of the ng-disabled directive and bind its condition to the checkbox’s state.

Also, keeping in mind the emphasis on testing for technical skill and knowledge here’s an additional list of AngularJS interview frequently asked questions for you to have a look at.

• How would you define AngularJS – As a framework, library or a plugin?
• Could you explain the differences between AngularJS and JavaScript Expressions?
• What is the primary factory that you would need to keep in mind if you were migrating from AngularJS 1.4 to AngularJS 1.5?
• Can you point out which versions of AngularJS are currently available?
• What is Jasmine tool?
• Why are there two “destroy” events linked with the termination of scope in AngularJS?
• Is it possible to have nested controllers in AngularJS?
• How would you make an ajax call using AngularJS?
• What is “$rootScope” and explain its relation with “$scope”?
• How does the AngularJS framework initialize itself?
• Explain the role of $routeProvider in AngularJS.
• What’s the process to create a custom directive in Angular?
• What is dependency injection? Explain how it works?
• Does Angular make use of the jQuery library? Share your thoughts
• Can you touch upon the concepts of digest cycle, watchers and dirty checking?

Staying calm while maintaining your composure will allow you to answer all questions with confidence. If at all you feel overwhelmed at any point during the interview, feel free to pause and ask for a couple of minutes to gather your thoughts. Remember, besides your knowledge, it’s your positive attitude, confidence, as well as your presence of mind that will help you cruise through a tough AnuglarJS interview. All the best!

Looking for AngularJS Jobs in top cities? Click at the links below:
AngularJS Jobs in Hyderabad
AngularJS Jobs in Mumbai
AngularJS Jobs in Chennai
AngularJS Jobs in Pune
AngularJS Jobs in Bangalore

Also, keeping in mind the emphasis on testing for technical skill and knowledge here’s an additional list of AngularJS interview frequently asked questions for you to have a look at.

• How would you define AngularJS – As a framework, library or a plugin?
• Could you explain the differences between AngularJS and JavaScript Expressions?
• What is the primary factory that you would need to keep in mind if you were migrating from AngularJS 1.4 to AngularJS 1.5?
• Can you point out which versions of AngularJS are currently available?
• What is Jasmine tool?
• Why are there two “destroy” events linked with the termination of scope in AngularJS?
• Is it possible to have nested controllers in AngularJS?
• How would you make an ajax call using AngularJS?
• What is “$rootScope” and explain its relation with “$scope”?
• How does the AngularJS framework initialize itself?
• Explain the role of $routeProvider in AngularJS.
• What’s the process to create a custom directive in Angular?
• What is dependency injection? Explain how it works?
• Does Angular make use of the jQuery library? Share your thoughts
• Can you touch upon the concepts of digest cycle, watchers and dirty checking?

Staying calm while maintaining your composure will allow you to answer all questions with confidence. If at all you feel overwhelmed at any point during the interview, feel free to pause and ask for a couple of minutes to gather your thoughts. Remember, besides your knowledge, it’s your positive attitude, confidence, as well as your presence of mind that will help you cruise through a tough AnuglarJS interview. All the best!

Looking for AngularJS Jobs in top cities? Click at the links below:

AngularJS Jobs in Bangalore
AngularJS Jobs in Mumbai
AngularJS Jobs in Chennai
AngularJS Jobs in Hyderabad
AngularJS Jobs in Pune

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